New Castle Lead and Healthy Homes Programs

Ensuring Safe Environments for Black Mothers and Families in Delaware

At Black Mothers in Power, we understand the importance of creating safe and healthy living environments for Black mothers and families. We are dedicated to advocating for programs that prioritize the well-being of our community. In collaboration with the New Castle County No-Lead Programs, we are proud to share information about the New Castle Lead and Healthy Homes Programs. These initiatives aim to address the dangers of lead exposure and provide resources to ensure healthier homes for all.

What are the New Castle Lead and Healthy Homes Programs?

The New Castle Lead and Healthy Homes Programs are comprehensive initiatives implemented by the New Castle County to tackle high-priority health hazards in households, with a particular emphasis on lead exposure. Designed to assist residents in Delaware, the programs offer strategies and support to create safe and nurturing living spaces.

Dangers of Lead for Black Mothers and Families

Lead is an extremely toxic metal that can have severe health repercussions, particularly for young children under the age of 6. Unfortunately, lead exposure disproportionately affects marginalized communities, including Black mothers and families. Lead poisoning can occur through various pathways, such as ingesting lead dust, consuming paint chips, or handling contaminated objects.

Lead poisoning's adverse effects on children's health can be significant and long-lasting. The potential harm includes damage to the brain, kidneys, nerves, and blood. Moreover, exposure to lead during early childhood can cause developmental delays, behavioral problems, and reduced IQ levels. These consequences not only hinder a child's growth and well-being but also have long-term implications for their future.

Healthy Homes: Addressing Multiple Health Hazards

The Healthy Homes component of the New Castle Lead and Healthy Homes Programs goes beyond lead-based paint concerns. It encompasses a range of high-priority home health hazards, including but not limited to:

1. Carbon monoxide and radon exposure.

2. Leaking roofs and water infiltration issues.

3. Excess heat and/or cold resulting from inadequate insulation or ventilation.

4. Electrical hazards and unsafe electrical systems.

5. Uneven and hazardous flooring surfaces.

6. Structural defects and risks of potential collapse.

7. Injury and safety risks due to inadequate safety measures.

8. Poor lighting, affecting visibility and overall well-being.

9. Lack of proper domestic hygiene practices.

10. Prevention of lead exposure and lead-based paint hazards.

How to Participate in the Program

We encourage all Black mothers and families residing in New Castle County to download and complete the New Castle County No-Lead Programs Referral Form. This form will help assess your eligibility for the New Castle Lead and Healthy Homes Programs. Once completed, submit the form as per the instructions provided.

The New Castle Lead and Healthy Homes Programs are valuable resources for Black mothers and families seeking to create safe and healthy environments for their loved ones. By addressing lead exposure and a range of other health hazards, these initiatives prioritize the well-being of our community. Together, we can ensure that our homes are nurturing spaces that foster the growth and development of our children while safeguarding their future.